Thursday, October 22, 2009


The nine qualities of a good person are very important, because we need them to have a good society to make our and everybodie's life better. Show the kids follow those trails is very important,That way when they grow-up and be adults they will be good citizens.Otherwise our comunity and the world is going tobe a disaster. For example in Mexico and some other countries,The selfishness and uncontrolled governors and other authorities make the country a complete chaos.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


My last weekend was nice because I spend all day with my family.On Saturday I did barbecue, On Sunday I went out with my friends and the last day off I fixed my car. I work as a mechanic, I like my job and I am so happy with. My classmate does not work because already retired, She was a teacher in her country and is a student now.To me work is very important because it makes you Powerful, Secure and you can satisfy all your necessity.Good worker is to be on time everyday,Do good work,Be clean person, and be fast.Because that is what I would like if I was the boss.We honors workers with holiday because they deserve their hard work.I am happy to have a lot of work otherwise it is going to be stressful.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Reading is very important because it increases your vocabulary, it gives you skill in understanding,skill in speaking,get a lot of knowledge and you can learn the language which you are reading,if you practice.For example, I am now reading a book from our school library cart.The book I checked out today is Legend of the Anaconda king.This is interesting to me and I want to know more about anacondas,in case I see one on my way.