Thursday, December 10, 2009

Writing an informal letter


Dear mike,
How are you? I hope you are fine,I know it's been ages since I wrote you.
Now I am attending to the julliard school of music,I seem to spend a lot of time
practicing and sometimes I'm too tired to write letters.

It was great to receibe your letter,I did not know anything about you long time ago.
Have you seen Lissa? our vest frend.

My life is not so interesting,but I am doing one interesting thing this time;attending the julliard school of music, It is very tired but I want to finish the school.

I am very happy to know that you want to came,It is great news,together we can came to some concerts and other places and we can have good time.
Before you came I want to tell you that on september10 I will have an appointment at 3:00p.m.
at 17th century music with Alice Tully Hall.I woud like you to came on sept11 because I have free time.
Well, I have to go,I'm going to attend piano lessons.
Take care.

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